2013年1月4日 星期五


Dear 荣俊,

The topic of this week is phone talk in different situation. First, we practiced a dialogue of "Danian and Xiaomei", and did the role play of the dialogue. After that, we tried to guessed their relationship, and concluded that they might be "朋友(friends)、男女朋友(couple), or 堂表兄弟姊妹(cousin)". In doing this, we comprehended that the content of dialogue could be different according to the people you talk with. Second, we developed two dialogues in texting message based on different situations., which was revised in the criteria of 1) preciseness and 2) context. Little by little, you are able to comprehend the language use in Mandarin based on different situation. That's really marvelous, isn't it. Latter on, we did some drilling in the sentence pattern, "那我们一块儿去~", by using different common actions and introduced some practical phrases that could be use in phone talk. At last, we talked about some places and shared your experience of those.

Best Regards,


  • Quizlet: http://quizlet.com/18068992/华语聊聊天-第二周-flash-cards/
  • Handout: http://zh.scribd.com/doc/119048824/华语聊聊天2:课堂讲义



