2013年1月2日 星期三


Dear 荣俊 and 伟胜,

Good Day!

This afternoon we talked about the topic of lunch by using the authentic materials and learnt the vocabulary which is commonly seen in fast food restaurant. After discussing about the food, we have found that it's a sunny day today. In doing so, we reviewed some items of weather in a colorful picture and developing your own wring passages through typing Chinese words. At first, we used the sentence pattern "晴天的时候,我常常..." to brainstorm the paragraph, then we modify the interlanguage that happened in your speaking. Later on, you learnt how to type Chinese words on iPad and laptop and revised your writing. It's cool to type In Chinese, isn't it?

Next time, we are going to talk about preference and music. Before you attend the class, you can think about it and listen the following songs as preview.

Questions that we are going to talk about:

  • 说一说你最喜欢的电影(movie)。
  • 说一说你最喜欢的音乐(music)。
  • 说一说你最喜欢的动物(animal)。
  • 说一说你最喜欢的国家(country)。
  • 说一说你最喜欢的颜色(color)。
  • 说一说你的新年新希望(new-year resolution)。

李代沫 - 我的歌声里
梁靜茹 - 愛久見人心
前进乐团 - 对不起,我的中文不好

See you next time.

Best Regards,


