1. 課程講義
2. 課程投影片
3. 課程Quizlet字卡
4. 課程學習單
5. 漢字練習單
6. lingt classroom線上學習單
7. 課文影片
8. 漢字筆順
2013年12月25日 星期三
2013年10月2日 星期三
- 答詢生字﹝正體字、解釋、聲音、筆順、延伸學習、生字練習簿﹞
- 母語者常用的查詢方式:注音、拼音、部首、筆畫查詢
- 能夠製作生詞練習簿,並下載練習
- 能夠利用html語法,將動畫檔嵌入部落格網站
- 能夠用滑鼠練習筆順
- 讀音播放(注音時可選男聲或女聲)
- 筆順練習提示
- 網站免費,適合華裔背景學生
- 針對母語者學習者設計,介面以注音為主
- 提供學習單製作及下載﹝自由度高﹞
- 教師能夠將筆順放置其他平台上
- 提供筆順手寫功能
- 提供小鍵盤,學生就算沒有印有注音鍵盤也能使用
- 注音查詢時,能看到同音字
- 生字練習簿可以選擇年級、輔助線
- 生字練習書寫正確時有回饋(正增強)
- 對簡化字使用者較不友善
- 字典內容為母語字典,非二語內容字典
- 沒有提供簡化字或是其他認知工具搭配學生理解﹝如:圖片、動畫、搭配詞、八千詞庫等﹞
- 沒有提供部件查詢功能
- html語法並不支援所有盛行的部落格平台
- 有些異體字找不到
- 筆順練習時,介面不夠友善,建議能夠提共適度反饋
- 筆順練習不夠準確(不看方向)
- 嵌入MOODLE或教師部落格平台、部落格、投影片,搭配教學使用
- 讓學生能搜尋難寫字,並透過清楚的筆畫了解正體字構成
- 工作單為pdf檔格式,教師改編或製作不易﹝可能會有破音字、正簡字發音不同等問題﹞
- 融入電子白板
- 師大國語中心TOCFL華語詞彙通
- 師大國語中心華語生詞簿
- 師大國語中心筆順Flash擷取器
- 師大國語中心華語生字練習板
- ACCESS 全漢字檢索系統
- 簡化字筆順產生器
- 網絡孔子學院寫字帖
- 翰林中文生詞簿﹝字、拼音、筆順、學習單、生詞表﹞
2013年1月22日 星期二
Hi, Blogger on iPad
Testing for my iPad application.
Wow, why there's only English version. So unfair Google is. But thanks The Lord, I'm able to use it now. XDDDD
Wow, why there's only English version. So unfair Google is. But thanks The Lord, I'm able to use it now. XDDDD
2013年1月21日 星期一
Dear Jonathan,
This week we talked about your favorite movie-- Hunger Games. In the beginning, we discussed the movie you like the most and I asked you to share with me in Chinese so that you are able to recall and describe the story. Then, we watched the trailer which enabled you to focus on details and the outcome of the story so that you can talk more on the topic. In the last part, you are going to develop your own writing work. Do you still remember the procedures?
1. Google the pictures that you want to talk about in your writing.
2. Arrange the sequence of the pictures, and then write short introduction of each picture.
3. Use the work of Task 2 to create your own composition. This part will be continued next time.
For the class assignment, i hope you are able to review the words/phrase I we learnt in class, and read the Task 2 to enhance the ability of recognizing characters. Hope this will help you out.
Best Regards,
2013年1月4日 星期五
Dear 荣俊,
The topic of this week is phone talk in different situation. First, we practiced a dialogue of "Danian and Xiaomei", and did the role play of the dialogue. After that, we tried to guessed their relationship, and concluded that they might be "朋友(friends)、男女朋友(couple), or 堂表兄弟姊妹(cousin)". In doing this, we comprehended that the content of dialogue could be different according to the people you talk with. Second, we developed two dialogues in texting message based on different situations., which was revised in the criteria of 1) preciseness and 2) context. Little by little, you are able to comprehend the language use in Mandarin based on different situation. That's really marvelous, isn't it. Latter on, we did some drilling in the sentence pattern, "那我们一块儿去~", by using different common actions and introduced some practical phrases that could be use in phone talk. At last, we talked about some places and shared your experience of those.
Best Regards,
The topic of this week is phone talk in different situation. First, we practiced a dialogue of "Danian and Xiaomei", and did the role play of the dialogue. After that, we tried to guessed their relationship, and concluded that they might be "朋友(friends)、男女朋友(couple), or 堂表兄弟姊妹(cousin)". In doing this, we comprehended that the content of dialogue could be different according to the people you talk with. Second, we developed two dialogues in texting message based on different situations., which was revised in the criteria of 1) preciseness and 2) context. Little by little, you are able to comprehend the language use in Mandarin based on different situation. That's really marvelous, isn't it. Latter on, we did some drilling in the sentence pattern, "那我们一块儿去~", by using different common actions and introduced some practical phrases that could be use in phone talk. At last, we talked about some places and shared your experience of those.
Best Regards,
- Quizlet: http://quizlet.com/18068992/华语聊聊天-第二周-flash-cards/
- Handout: http://zh.scribd.com/doc/119048824/华语聊聊天2:课堂讲义
2013年1月2日 星期三
Dear 荣俊 and 伟胜,
Good Day!
This afternoon we talked about the topic of lunch by using the authentic materials and learnt the vocabulary which is commonly seen in fast food restaurant. After discussing about the food, we have found that it's a sunny day today. In doing so, we reviewed some items of weather in a colorful picture and developing your own wring passages through typing Chinese words. At first, we used the sentence pattern "晴天的时候,我常常..." to brainstorm the paragraph, then we modify the interlanguage that happened in your speaking. Later on, you learnt how to type Chinese words on iPad and laptop and revised your writing. It's cool to type In Chinese, isn't it?
Next time, we are going to talk about preference and music. Before you attend the class, you can think about it and listen the following songs as preview.
Questions that we are going to talk about:
李代沫 - 我的歌声里
梁靜茹 - 愛久見人心
前进乐团 - 对不起,我的中文不好
See you next time.
Best Regards,
Good Day!
This afternoon we talked about the topic of lunch by using the authentic materials and learnt the vocabulary which is commonly seen in fast food restaurant. After discussing about the food, we have found that it's a sunny day today. In doing so, we reviewed some items of weather in a colorful picture and developing your own wring passages through typing Chinese words. At first, we used the sentence pattern "晴天的时候,我常常..." to brainstorm the paragraph, then we modify the interlanguage that happened in your speaking. Later on, you learnt how to type Chinese words on iPad and laptop and revised your writing. It's cool to type In Chinese, isn't it?
Next time, we are going to talk about preference and music. Before you attend the class, you can think about it and listen the following songs as preview.
Questions that we are going to talk about:
- 说一说你最喜欢的电影(movie)。
- 说一说你最喜欢的音乐(music)。
- 说一说你最喜欢的动物(animal)。
- 说一说你最喜欢的国家(country)。
- 说一说你最喜欢的颜色(color)。
- 说一说你的新年新希望(new-year resolution)。
李代沫 - 我的歌声里
梁靜茹 - 愛久見人心
前进乐团 - 对不起,我的中文不好
See you next time.
Best Regards,
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