2012年9月6日 星期四


Daily Mandarin Sentence
Hello, my dear students,

We have had the Chinese class for more than six weeks, and I fount that there are some problems about your speaking and listening ability. This is due to the materials that you used didn't provide you the conversation practice and skills so that speaking fluently could be more challenging. In view of this reason, I try to think of ways to learn speaking and listening well, like the listening skills we learnt in grade ten. Besides, every lesson I always ask you some questions about the text because it's a wonderful way to monitor your comprehension as well as oral skills.

The poster(华语每日一句) near the office are highly recommended for beginners and those who are willing to improve the speaking. I will also add this part in my teaching to check if you are able to handle the basic conversation. Hope this will help you learn Chinese.

Teacher Tonny Kuo

